Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Blog site!

I will be leaving this blog open, but I am planning on updating mostly on WordPress. The layout and CSS is easier for me.

Here is the new link:

Please keep reading! I love sharing our stories!

Steering Through Chaos: Review

To begin, let me make a disclaimer. This book was intended for pastors, and I am certainly not one, nor do I desire to be.  I plan on planting churches with my husband and I feel like this book was just as influential and inspirational for me as it would be for any church leader.

My overall view of this book is very impressed and refreshed. I really love Wilson's writing voice. He reads very honestly and openly and it is evident that he wrote this out of love and concern for his fellows workers. Wilson also does a great job providing wisdom from years of experience in several different leadership positions. The layout of the chapters in both the table of contents and the actual material in the book was very interesting and appreciated. I am, after all, a lover of personal stories, which were included by Wilson and others in each section of the book.

Wilson focuses on vision throughout Steering Through Chaos, although only 3 of the 10 chapters are directly labeled as a "vision chapter." He also includes a chapter on the need and importance of corporate prayer, something largely ignored by the average church-goer or lay person outside of prayers during weekly services. He writes, "The goal of corporate prayer is creating an environment in which believers can genuinely pursue God with one heart, one mind, and one voice." That in itself needs to be part of the vision of any church!

Steering Through Chaos does not ignore the challenges, mental and physical stress, and burnout that pastors and leaders will go through. Wilson speaks candidly about his own struggles in being a pastor leading his flock through change. I found that to be some of my favorites part of his work because I heard both the heartbreak and the triumph in each story. That inspired me and gave me a new insight into what my husband may go through in the future.

I feel that any person who is currently working with a church or will be working in one soon needs to read this book, no matter that person's role. This book contains vast quantities of ideas, support, and strategies to get any leader through a time of change. I am very glad I took the time to check out this material and will definitely read future works from Scott Wilson.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Constance Maria Vasquez (Contentious Woman)

That is the name of our new Garmin Nuvi 255W. Welcome to the family, Constance.

We are eating potstickers tonight. For those not in the know, they're like the dumplings you get at Chinese buffets and dip in that salty sauce. Ours are pork and I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I'll be able to find some wrappers soon so that we can make them from scratch!

Ours pigs were getting along fine for about a week, then Zucchini started being all dominant-crazy again and she's rumblestrutting like crazy. She needs to get over herself soon.

I'm getting a little excited about having to go to the SBC in Florida this summer. Theme parks, good restaurants, a Lifeway the size of a football field, and the possibility of hearing cool people speak. Who needs to vote on anything, anyway?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today marks the one year anniversary of the halfway mark of my student teaching. I had just finished third grade and moved all the way across the school to an outside mobile unit to teach fifth. I can hardly even describe how much that whole experience meant to me. Those fifth graders and their teacher impacted me way more than I ever thought they did. Case in point, I just picked an Iditarod musher to follow for this year's race. It's because of the fifth graders that I even know so much about the Iditarod!

I miss something about those kids or that classroom every single day. Something will always remind me of it. Contrary to some mean people's advice, I gave them my KY address and told them my myspace name. I have kept in touch with some of them, but here lately they've stopped talking to me as much. It's sad, but I'm letting them go.

I think I miss them so much because I miss teaching kids like that. I miss having my own elementary classroom and making real lesson plans and activities. I cannot WAIT to get back into teaching!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello March!

Meet my new bestest friend.

Les bought this for me for my birthday knowing full well what a serious God-complex I have, but I have it under control! We haven't been without clean clothes or food this entire time I've had it, thank you very much.

I CANNOT believe it is already March, and that we have only about three-ish months until we've been married a whole year! I simultaneously feel like we've been married forever and not long at all. I have to say, though, that this has been the best adventure I've ever been on in my whole life. It was just time for us to get married and I'm so glad we did. It's been really fun to share a house (and all my stuff) with my best friend.

I've also been thinking about linking a Flickr account to this blog so that I can share our 365/2010 picture project. I tried taking one picture a day for a year for the first time about two years ago. Thirty-three pictures in, my computer died a horrible death, so that project ended. When we got a new camera this past Christmas, we decided to try it again! It's all on Facebook right now... see it here! We're pretty proud, even though it's a little boring and full of food and guinea pigs!

We are also gearing up to move. I'm finishing my North Carolina teaching application and Les is supposedly starting the Southeastern application. At least he better be, since I really want to live at Flaherty Farms in a 2-bedroom small floor plan apartment! I'm getting really nervous about going through the whole education interview process and meeting principals, but I know if God is calling us there, He'll be able to give us both a job.

Monday, March 1, 2010

February List

Books for January: 6
The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker (Red, Black, White)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith

Books for February: 3
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok

Working On...
Steering Through Chaos by Scott Wilson
I am actually reading this as a supporting project for Scott Wilson. I'll be blogging about my reactions to the book and a review here in about two weeks!

Books for the year: 9


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Love Books!

Since so many people tell me I read way too much and way too fast (I'm looking at my husband specifically), I've decided to keep track of my reading this year! Here's the list from January, and what I've finished so far in February:

Books for January: 6
The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker (Red, Black, White)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok

Working On...
The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok

Books for the year: 8

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Book Review

At the end of this week, I'll be receiving a book by Scott Wilson called Steering Through Chaos. I'm excited to be reading it (for free! yay!) and posting a blog review about it during the week of March 16th.

Since we are going to be planting churches in just a few short years, I'm always glad to find books to add to our library. From the reviews I've read, not to mention he's one of my favorite bands' pastors, I think it will be a great read and an even better resource.

Can't wait!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


That's what we woke up to this morning after false hopes of several inches last night! We went over to Michael and Brittani's at about 9:30 or 10 for just a few minutes. When we walked outside, it was drizzling rain. We left there no more than 15 minutes later and it had already snowed about half an inch. No joke! It must have changed over right as we went in. We woke up this morning for Les to go to school, and he checked the closings to see if Clear Creek was out - they weren't. He came back to bed for a few more minutes of sleep, and right as he got under the covers, I got a text saying campus was closed. Hooray!

We got up much later and I made french toast. Then... we prepared for... POLAR PLUNGE '10! I didn't participate, but basically all of the single guys did along with Brittani, Sharon (a single girl), and Les. I did get to drive in the snowy-ness though! Polar Plunge pictures to come soon!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So here's a situation I found myself in tonight. I found out that a new church plant back home has decided to let someone I know be their interim worship and creative arts leader.

What this church doesn't know is that this particular person is basically a viper and has caused major staff and layperson problems in multiple churches, in addition to abandoning ministries and his own family to further his own musical career. The church "advertises" him as one of the best worship leaders in the area, but I know from several personal encounters with this person that he has no right to be called a worship leader. In fact, I'm positive he knows nothing about leading God's people in any kind of worship except the worship of him, his band, and his own music.

This bothers me not only because I have a feeling that this pastor has no idea about this man's past (mostly because he is a complete snake in the grass), but that he has been put in charge of leading God's people into His presence. I believe that it is a sin to lead worship with an unclean heart and motive and doing so will seriously hinder the congregation's worship. Even more, I have dear friends at this church, specifically one of the great boys that I student taught last year along with his brother and parents.

What should I do? Should I let my friends know or should I keep my mouth shut? There's no way I would go to the pastor... it would only make me look like a Pharisee. :(

Friday, January 29, 2010

To Seminary or Not to Seminary... That is the question

When Les and I first started talking about marriage, we decided to pray about whether or not it was a good idea. It was February 2005 and he had figured out that he was going to Clear Creek in the fall, so naturally I had to take that into consideration. The week of Valentine's Day basically sucked because we had to make the decision to either break up or stay together and work toward a marriage and a ministry together. Obviously the answer was stay together since, well, here we are.

We ended up getting engaged in July 2007 knowing that after I graduated college and we were married (in May 2009, goodness!), I would move to Clear Creek and he would finish out his degree. But that's sort of where the plan ended until about a year ago. Of course. Because all plans either go wrong, expire, or have a complication..

We've looked at seminaries, which is the logical next step if we are to be church planters (see: Church Planting Village for more info) or work in any ministry field. If you're going to be something for God, you should be the best at it, or at least that is our thinking. We went to Southeastern Seminary in North Carolina back in September with Brittani and Michael and absolutely loved it! Especially me. I really miss civilization, mostly a healthy downtown and places to shop and eat at. Again, most plans either go wrong, expire, or have a complication.

Suddenly the youth group we work with is positively thriving, with kids getting inspired and learning left and right! They're coming to Bible studies, they're requesting prayer for their friends, they're bringing their friends to church. Like I said - thriving. Here in Kentucky. Seminary is in North Carolina. Baahhhhh. Therein lies the complication.

So now... to seminary or to stay?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Making Memories and Such

We've had the Graenings over for two nights in a row, and it was so funny yesterday. Right before they came over, I asked Les if the house looked clean enough, then immediately said never mind. I guess I realized that we've seen their mess, they've seen ours, and we've been together at each other's houses for the majority of the time Les and I have been married. I can't believe how God has provided for us (mainly me) in the friend department. It was really hard to leave Tennessee knowing I was leaving my very best friends behind. You know, the kind that you've known basically since birth and have experienced every childhood and adolescent experience with. The kind who know your mom... call her mom even. Who knows where you keep the plates and cups.

But God has given me that here. Brittani and Ashley know where my cups and plates are. They share their love, their food, and their time with me. They're sharing experiences with me too, like being married, grocery shopping, and cooking dinner for our husbands. I am so glad we have these kinds of friends here and that God has put such great people in our lives.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To start things off with a bang...

Let's talk about something controversial. Specifically Brit Hume's hugely protested statement on Bill O'Reilly about Tiger Woods needing Jesus Christ is his life. I am so proud of that man and his confidence and forthcoming. I am so incredibly glad he stood up for the truth--on national TV nonetheless! I read some of the reactions and cannot believe the gall of some people. If the tables were turned, and Hume had announced that Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other religion in the world was the answer, everyone in the public and liberal arenas would have jumped for joy and ran into the streets to celebrate his open-minded views and politically correct-ness!  I loved the way one poster on the Huffington Post worded it: "If you're dealing with Jesus Christ, you're dealing with God. If you're having to deal with God, you're having to deal with your own sin problem, and that instinctively offends people."  It's amazing the kind of reactions you pull out of people when you bring up God or His Son. Goodness.

If it has only been a little over 24 hours and this kind of hatred is being put out on the internet, what is it going to be like when it is perfectly legal to drag people out of their homes and beat them to death on the streets for saying things like this? There are AT LEAST 35 nations in our world right now that have anti-Christian laws that lead to Christians being harassed, imprisoned, deprived of possessions and liberties, or killed because of their witness. They are also prevented from obtaining Bibles or other Christian literature.

Who knows how long it will be before America becomes one of those places?